Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Monsoon Crow...

Swami Satyananda Saraswati highlights the importance of meditation symbols through the story of the crow sleeping in a tree during a monsoon storm. 
During the night the tree is uprooted and floats downstream and out to sea. 
Waking on this floating branch, the crow sees no land. 
He flies to the East, West, South and North and still finds no land. 
 The crow realizes that he must rest and returns to his branch. Recovered he again searches for land but returns to the branch in between flights. It becomes his resting place and reference point until he eventually finds land. 
In meditation - and during stressful times- a symbol provides a similar anchor and resting point while you explore your mind.  1,001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom, Liz Lark

A rough day at work, thing after thing couldn't seem to fall into place. The kind of day that you just want to go back to bed and try again tomorrow. 
To top it off, I lost my wallet. Because I work at a high school, the word "lost" can be exchanged with "my wallet was stollen." I ran out to my car, and then back to my classroom to turn everything inside-out and find it. Thinking in my head, "how could I trust them? " and "how could I be so stupid." All of the while I rushed past people, without a glance... All of this, just to find my wallet?!
So what's my point? 
I need to slow down, breathe and understand that we all have those moments when life gets the best of us. I'm going to give it another shot tomorrow.

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