Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Work alone is your privilege, never the fruits thereof.
Never let the fruits of action be your motive; and never cease to work... abandoning any selfish desires.
Be not affected by success or failure. This equipoise is called Yoga.
-Bhagavad Gita 

So counter to much of what I've learned up until this point, yet so right on.
The less that I can get on that rollercoaster of ups and downs the better off I am.
You can ask yourself, "Am I doing my best?" If the answer is "yes" well then, there you have it.

The problem is that I really like rollercoasters.

1 comment:

  1. I <3 the ending of this post. It feels like a big weight off of a person's shoulders to answer "yes". Also, it acknowledges how little control we really have on our lives. Fantastic!
