Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tortilla Soup - 3 Commitments

Renewing 3 Commitments

As I hunker down and eat some tortilla soup that I made yesterday, I was thinking about the goodness that comes from making food. For many reasons, in recent years, making food started by going into the freezer or the local deli to see, “what’s for dinner.” Buying a ½ share of the Food For Thought CSA this summer, helped me kick-start my cooking inventions. Also, having friends (you know who you are) who cook from scratch all of the time helps with feeling some peer pressure on the subject.

This brings me to my title today, Renewing 3 Commitments. I’d like to make a list of a three things that I will commit to for a month. Feel free to do the same with the Comment Button below. I’ll check back in with you on Nov. 22 to see how it goes.
Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t perfect. 

What are 3 things that you are willing to commit to?
1)   Do yoga every day for 15 minutes or more.
I’m looking for the real deal here       Open =mind/body/breath 

2)   Cook a giant vat of soup and a dessert from scratch every week 

3)   Keep my plants watered – I’m actually not joking with this one. I tend to forget about the little guys.


  1. My three commitments:
    1. Not each lunch in the workroom one time a week. (it sucks me in...i'm tired afterwards...better to get a little work done and i feel a little better caught up afterwards.
    2. Make eggs for breakfast once during the workweek.
    3. Find another babysitter before November 22 :)for more free time for myself.

    Great post theresa!

  2. My comment has all sorts of typos. Sorry to everyone who cares about these types of things.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oh typos shmypos! I love your commitments cece! They seem very tangible.

    My three are:

    1.) Not making any sentences all caps in any form of communication.

    2.) Praying 5 days each week (can pray more if need be).

    3.) Talk with each sister (who ever has time/ wants to talk) and mom/dad on the phone once a week.

    That third one is going to be the hardest!! Darn time zone differences!!!

    Thanks for the post Theresa. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 love you, katie

  5. 1) Eat at least a small something before heading to class in morning, so I don't get ridiculously hungry

    2) Complete a strong draft of at least half of two papers before Thanksgiving

    3) Spend at least ten minutes a day thinking of fun things to do with Katie during the week.

  6. Awesome job! Realistic goals with a lot of heart and soul, love it:)
