Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Flame Inside- Tapas- Wet Paint - Week 18

... this isn't a contest but a doorway into thanks
and a silence
in which another voice 
may speak. 
-Mary Oliver, Thirst

This week's focus is on the Niyama, Tapas. There are different ways to explain the meaning of tapas, burning zeal in your practice is one of the them. Think of it as a passion without your ego getting in the way.
You could consider your habits. Think about your bad habits (this should be an easy one), your good habits and last but not least, your neutral habits.
Can you separate the definition of you, from that cup of coffee that you have every morning?
This week try to take yourself out of your own comfort zone at least three times.
My plan:
1) Take showers that are 5 minutes or shorter.
2) Play catch with my kids and try to discover why throwing a ball back and forth is fun.
3) No coffee

 Also, when you are on your mat, be there fully. Feel that flame inside of you stoked by your breath.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Life is Sweet - Santosa - Wet Paint, Week 17

When you do things from your soul,
you feel a river moving in you, a joy. 

All week as I considered a focus, honey/nectar/bees kept popping up.
As a student in a yoga class, I listened to my teacher describe a nectar flowing through my system.
It makes me think about Santosa (Contentment). How could I be anything but content when thinking about nectar flowing through my veins!

In a time when we can go out to the grocery store and buy a tomato; any time of the year -from clear across the world.  In a place where bus stops and magazines scream things like, "Buy this product... You need it... It will make you happy."

Where do we find contentment? 

Let's start with a cup of tea with a bit of honey. Sit with the tea. Consider its journey. Sit with the honey. Where has it been? How many flowers and how many bees did it take?
Feel the temperature and taste it.
Take time away for this screen that you are reading for a spot of tea.

t. hutch

As a result of contentment, one gains supreme happiness. 

PataƱjali, Yoga Sutras

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Find Your Balance - Sauca - Wet Paint, Week 16

Find Your Balance through Sauca

Time for some spring-cleaning. Sauca (sow-cha) or purity is a good place to start. I was thinking that it is like the daunting idea of cleaning my entire house; including my basement! Don't do it all at once, instead just pick a closet.  

Cleanliness of the body and mind develops disinterest in
contact with others for self-gratification. 

When the body is cleansed, the mind purified and the senses controled,
joyful awareness, needed to realize the inner-self, also comes. 

PataƱjali, Yoga Sutras

It all starts with awareness and a little faith. Think of your body as sacred and remember that the chemicals that we consume and the processed food that we eat isn't as good as the real thing; fresh out of the ground at the farmer's market. 

So hop on your bike and breathe the air. 

t. hutch

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Amazing Grace...

Grace is a Crocus: 
Eager, Strong, Delicate and Fleeting. 
T. Hutch
This weeks focus came to me in the form of the song, "Amazing Grace" in the form of the Ani's cover of it. The words that we've all heard a million times.

"T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed."

I found this crocus in my yard and thought about how, in Minnesota, a crocus flower is the first to come up. Often times, too early. I've seen them peeking through the snow. Although they are not around for long, they offer a sense of hope; that spring is here.

I sometimes wonder how to live my life more gracefully. So, for this week the focus is to find glimpses of grace in my life. There is no way to really hold on to the beauty of a crocus. If it is cut and put into a vase, it will only wilt. 

Likewise, there isn't a way to hold on to a sense of grace, instead appreciate the glimpses of it when you feel it pass by. 

t. hutch