Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tapas anyone?

No not little bite-sized Spanish plates of food, but the Sanskrit version... as Iyengar puts it, " Tapas is derived from the root "tap" meaning to blaze, burn, shine, suffer or consume heat" or as Desikachar writes, "Process of removing impurities, elimination, purification..."
I also like the quote:
"If flowery words make us happy 
but insults upset us, we know 
our minds are not yet strong," 
 Sri Swami Satchidananda
The Yoga Sutras of  Patanjali
As I stated in class, today we got a healthy dose of Tapas. Chris Gordon helped us each teach our first pose to the class. I wasn't nervous once I started, but before I was for sure having doubts about straightening out my jumbled mind to give clear, calm and present directions for all of the parts of the pose. 
I just kept thinking, go slowly... 
Other things that I learned from my classmates: 
- Silence at times is good
- If you make a mistake, no big deal
- Different kinds of voices are so important!
- Breathe
- Give Real Compliments
- Be positive:)

Any thoughts that you'd like to add, please do. -t


  1. Here's a real compliment: you are a born yogi. You have a compassionate, insightful heart and you are sincere and dedicated. Your light is very bright!

  2. Thanks for the compliment.
    Not sure how to respond, but I am constantly being inspired by my fellow teachers-in-training and I humbly accept your compliment;)
