Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Satya- Truthfulness

Those who know don't talk. 
Those who talk don't know.
- Laozi

Satya is about creating healthy relationships.
At the end of the day am I at peace with myself?
As in Living Your Yoga, Judith Lasater notes,
"Patanjali discusses ahimsa, non-harming before satya... I suggest that before speaking or taking another action, you first ask these questions:
Is it necessary?
Is it true?
Is is non-harming?"
Simple words, but a difficult task.

1 comment:

  1. Two quick words of wisdom:
    1) My customer was traveling in Vietnam recently and a woman told him "We are all the same....just different"

    2) We were picked up by the Manhattan Storage shuttle and an older Indian gentleman was our driver...as we pulled away we noticed we left our outside building door open...my boyfriend jumped out to close the door...as we were waiting the driver said "it is about respect...you always want to be respectful of others"

    It seems that both are pretty basic concepts that we need to remember:)
