Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Roll with it...

As I was making fried rice tonight I was thinking about how funny life is. 

Just when you think you have it down, 
something changes to throw it off. 
I was thinking...
I'd like to believe that my life is stable but in reality we are living in a world in contant flux between (relative) stability and dynamic motion. 
It is best to not fight this, but instead roll with it. 

Who would have thought, all of this from fried rice. 
btw, I heard a report the other day that stated that people spend all of their time on social networks, texting etc... and there isn't time set aside to be bored. Yet being "bored" is the best time for "ahha moments." - this coming from a social blog, I get the irony:)

1 comment:

  1. i totally agree with this! sometimes when our mind finally has time to get bored then we get most interesting life realizations. xoxoox
